API Reference

Company Status

This api will return status of company documents either uploaded for verification or what is the status of verification:


Company Profile status: company_status : 0 means update company profile details,

1 means awaiting for verification from compliance,

2 means profile information verified,

3 means profile information rejected , need to submit again

Company Document status: document_status : 0 means upload company documents,

1 means awaiting for verification from compliance,

2 means is verified,

3 means rejected document by compliance , need to submit again

director_status 0: means the you need to update the director information and we send kyc link to director email
director_status 2: means the director information is verified
director_status 3: means the direcor information submitted is rejected and you have to update the director information again
director_status 1: if resend:1 means the kyc link is sent to the director email.
director_status 1: if resend:2 means you can request to customer resend the kyc link to director email again

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