API Reference

Company Document Status

This api will return status of company documents either uploaded for verification or what is the status of

In the response there is company_document, if the company_document is [] (empty array) or in the company, document_status:0 then no document is uploaded .

if in the company_document, business_registration

status:0 means the business registration document is uploaded and is under verification from the compliance,

if status:1 then it means the business registration document is verified,

and if status:2 the it means business registration document is rejected and you have to upload the business registration document again.

if in the company_document, Ownership:status:0 means the ownership document is uploaded and is under verification from the compliance,

if status:1 then it means the ownership document is verified,

and if status:2 the it means ownership document is rejected and you have to upload the ownership document again.

if in the company_document, financial:status:0 means the financial document is uploaded and is under verification from the compliance,

if status:1 then it means the financial document is verified,

and if status:2 the it means financial document is rejected and you have to upload the financial document again.

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